Dearborn Public Schools is looking for interested parents to join the district Professional Development Committee. The first meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 19 from 4:30-5:30 on Zoom. From there, we will form 3-4 subcommittees that will meet on April 30th to...
Class News
Practice I-READY test items in Reading and Math K-5:
نموذج اسئلة I-READY في القراءة والرياضيات Practice I-READY test items in Reading and Math K-5: نموذج اسئلة I-READY في القراءة والرياضيات من صف الروضة...
I-READY Reading & Math Assessments – Kindergarten to 5th Grade لتقييمات منتصف العام للرياضيات والقراءة I-READY
Students First: Inspire- Educate-...
District Parent Survey
Dear Parent/Guardian, We want to hear from you. This survey will ask you questions about your child’s school, including questions about Open House schedules, culture and climate, student engagement, school environment, and school safety. The results of this...

GSRP free preschool holding enrollment event at five schools on Nov. 17
The district’s free preschool program for qualified families still has some openings and will be holding another registration event on Nov. 17. 2023. Families should call first to (313) 827-6150 to make an appointment to register that day at Cotter Early...
We conducted a tornado drill on 11-15-2023 أجرينا تدريبًا على السلامة من العواصف في ١٥-١١-٢٠٢٣

Empty Bowls fundraiser helps students and families in need
The Dearborn Public Schools Art department is hosting its 32nd annual Empty Bowls meal on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Park Place Banquet Hall, 23400 Park Street, Dearborn. For a minimum suggested $5 donation, guests who attend this...
Reminder on when to keep a sick child home
Germs seem to come in waves, and Dearborn Public Schools, like most of Michigan, has seen an increase lately in a variety of infections being passed around. So it seemed a good time to remind families about our handy When To Keep Your Child Home from School...

Paid childcare available on Early Release Tuesdays
With the start of Early Release Tuesdays next month (October 2023), the district is announcing a new childcare option for parents who need assistance afterschool. Early Release Enrichment Club is a paid after school enrichment program for students in...