McDonald Elementary School

1 more day of Heat (fingers crossed)!

Good Morning!

I have had a lot of parents asking about the heat and what we can do to help our students and staff.  Below is a couple of the ways we are trying to make it easier on are students:

  • Students are staying well hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day.
  • We are limiting the amount of physical activities throughout the day.  Recess will be in the auditorium today where it is cooler and students can relax and watch a short video.
  • We have two rooms that are air conditioned.  Our computer lab and our book room both have an air conditioning unit so teachers are taking their students in those rooms at some point during the day to allow students the chance to cool down.
  • All of our classrooms have fans in them and the shades are down in order to keep tempatures a little cooler in the classrooms.
  • Our Superintendent is aware of the heat in our building and everyone’s concern for the well being of our students.  He has been a great help coming up with solutions to help all of our staff and students.
  • Any student that does not feel well or is having problems with dealing with the heat is sent to the office to cool down or we will call home to let the parent decide if they would like to be picked up for the day.  So far our students have been great with the heat.
  • Also today we are going to have a school wide POPSCILE break for our students in order to have a cool treat to help them make it through the afternoon.

Please as always if you have any questions feel free to email me at or call the office at 313-827-6700.

Mrs. Modica