McDonald Elementary School

Year: 2016

PTA Meeting

PTA Meeting

   Please join us on Friday, January 29th at 8:45a.m. for our monthly parent meeting.

Panther Power!

Panther Power!

Thank you McDonald students and parents for your generous water donations!       We will continue to collect water or monetary donations through tomorrow so they can be delivered Friday. Once again your support is greatly appreciated!

M-STEP Parent Reports

Here is some information on how to interpret the M-STEP parent reports that were previously sent home in grades 4 and 5.  If you have and questions, please feel free to contact us.

Half Day

Half Day

Firday, January 29 will be a half day for all students.  Students will be dismissed at 11:45 AM.  Please make sure you are on time.  Enjoy the afternoon with a fun activity outside since we have been so lucky to have unseasonably warm weather.  

Principal’s Corner

Principal’s Corner

   Have you noticed our newest page?  We have added The Principal's Corner to our blog! Check out the latest news from our principal, Mrs. Modica!  Just click the Principal's Corner link at the top of our blog to see the exciting things she has to...

Dearborn Students Support Flint

Dearborn Students Support Flint

Dearborn students are coming together to support the effort to provide clean water to the people of Flint.  All schools in Dearborn will be collecting cases of water to donate to the citizens of Flint. Please support our effort to help those in need.  We are asking...

Singers of the United Lands

Singers of the United Lands

Thank you Mrs. Duncanson for putting together a wonderful assembly.  Singers from Kenya, Norway, Albania, and Malaysia came to McDonald to not only sing...but share a little bit about the countries they are from!      

Jump Rope for Heart Assembly

Jump Rope for Heart Assembly

Students had an assembly on how to keep their heart healthy. Through Jump Rope For Heart kids learn jump rope skills, how their heart works and raise money to help kids with special hearts.  Have fun, learn how to stay healthy and make a difference in the lives of...

Mark Your Calendars!

Mark Your Calendars!

Just a friendly reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 18th for MLK jr. Day. Also, on Wednesday, January 20, students will have a late start.  School will begin at 9:30a.m.  There will be no breakfast served on Wednesday.

Look Who Came to Visit…

Look Who Came to Visit…

McDonald students were lucky to have a special guest this morning! (photo courtesy of Dr. Jill Chochol) Author Maria Dismondy came to speak to our students about 5 important character traits: Forgiveness Integrity Responsibility Respect Empathy Mrs. Dismondy share her...