This month is a very special month at McDonald School! It’s reading month! While McDonald students read all the time, March is an extra special month dedicated to reading. Our theme this year is a baseball theme..Reading is a Grand Slam!
Teachers have created lots of fun activities to get the students excited about reading. Teachers will be sending home a reading activity calendar with many activities you can work on at home to make reading more fun.
Classrooms are also taking part in a competition…make sure your child reads EVERY night and that you are signing their reading log. The class that reads the most books by the end of the month will earn a pizza party!
Spirit Week will be March 25th-March 28
3/25 Baseball Cap Day
3/26 Opposite Day–wear clothes that do not match
3/27 Pajama Day
3/28 Sports Jersey Day
We are also asking parents, siblings and other family members to come in and read to their child’s classroom! Please contact your child’s teacher if you are able to read to them.